Meet the chef

My Story


My first dinner party I cooked was for my mum and her friends, the menu read as follows

Soap of the day (yes spelling typo on the menu)

Lasagne and Salad

Chocolate Angel delight mousse (from a packet) layered with Kahlua cream and crushed Cadbury flake I was 12 …


I was born in Ireland but also lived in Australia, South Africa and England, having travelled extensively picking up ideas and flavours from all over the globe I now specialise in world cuisine as well as special dietary needs.

I have cooked and run restaurants, parties and events from Dublin to Sydney to Perth to Tenerife to London to France, finally setting up my own catering business in Ireland cooking for major concerts and festivals for artists REM, Robbie Williams, Snoop Dog, The Counting Crows, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Corrs, John Hurt and the fabulous Neill Diamond, to name but a few.

My quest now is to bring my sauces and marinade to the world !



 Now to my Black Sauce and friends


My black sauce recipe dates back to 1998 when I was catering at my very first outdoor gig for The Verve, Robbie Williams at Slane Castle, Ireland.


How my Black Sauce baby was born..

The day before show day, a production team member came into the kitchen and said you have 50/60 odd extra people for lunch in a hour and this will happen to you on show day so be prepared so I had to come up with an all-rounder tasty sauce that would go with absolutely anything and that would suit the most discerning of palettes, …

The black sauce magic was born at 2 am in the morning with a margarita in hand and a cigar in the other whilst chatting to Vivian sitting on a sack of spuds, it was the nineties & rock n roll what can I say ..

I have used my black sauce at every gig and catering event since.


My other sauces also created at gigs and catering events


Denice’s Elderflower dressing/marinade

Denice’s Hickory Smoked Barbecue  Sauce/ Marinade

Denice’s Spicy Sweet Chilli Sauce

Denice’s Burger Sauce ( also great with prawns)

And for good measure all my sauces are gluten free 

Doing the markets in Sydney


The fabulous John. Hurt clearly making me laugh with his incredible wit